
Knowing Bag Filters

Bag filters are made from felted fabric or porous woven and are tube-shaped. They are used to remove contaminants or particulates from gases by passing the gas from it. Gas is passed through porous openings inside bag filters and during this process, all contaminant particles are trapped.

Design of Bag Filters

Bag filters may vary in size from small to large as per the applications. It may be the case where 30 feet long bag filters are also manufactured. They may be enveloped within a supporting structure or frame. This system helps bag filter to keep in the right shape while being operated in normal or extreme conditions. They can also be manufactured in different materials ranging from metallic bags to fiber bags as per the applications and requirements.

Applications of Bag Filters

Pollution Control Equipment:Sponge Iron Plants, Coal Mills, Cement Industries, Material handling, Dust Collection, Bag Houses and similar industries require these filters. We are the expert filter bag manufacturer in Gujarat having exclusive range of Industrial Filter Bags which can be utilized in the process of power separation from gas or air.

Bag Filters are supported by several rectangular chambers which ensures that cleaning is done effectively and speedily by its advanced automatic control system. We are one of the top the bag filter manufacturer in India and provide durable products with high ratio and high pressure. Our high pressure pulse cleaned filters can be used to collect dust in non-ferrous industries, power, and chemical-cement industries.

Trimech India manufactures low ratio bag filters that are low on pressure drop and low power consuming. These can help in minimizing the probabilities of dust re-entrainment. Alongside, we also provide high pressure pulse cleaned filter for collecting dry dust in power, cement, chemical, ferrous and non-ferrous industries. We are determined to provide a wide range of comprehensive collection of Bag filter systems in different configurations. Industries can order different length filters as per their requirements. For more information on it, you can visit our website or contact us on +91-79-65432110.

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